Make a statement in your space with Bouquet 1 Mural Wallpaper. This gorgeous wallpaper is painted by renowned artist Bari J, whose work brings poise and beauty to any room. The colorful bouquet of roses, hydrangeas, peonies, dahlias, and other flower stems creates a cheerful stylish tone. The vivid colors of each bloom pops against a black background. The bouquet sits in a bright pink vase on a yellow table. With its warm tones and vibrant colors, Bouquet 1 Mural Wallpaper can bring life and elegance to any space while being calming and relaxing at the same time. Add fashion-forward style to any wall with this ultra modern art piece.
Prepasted Wallpaper
DIY friendly! Water activated adhesive backing. Smooth, matte finish. For smooth and slightly textured walls. Applies quickly and removes clean. Sustainable. 10% post consumer content. (PVC free. Class A fire rating.)
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